F119: A rare antique carved and polychromed Paris French v English chess set. Queens with gold gilded crowns. Early 19th century, kings 10cms tall.

The French side features Emperor Napoleon. Empress Marie Louise, generals Berthier and Junot as bishops, knights as French cavalry, rooks as columns with eagles and pawns as soldiers of the Imperial Guard.

Featuring on the English side are King George III, Queen Charlotte, while Horatio Nelson and the Duke of Wellington are the bishops and pawns are foot soldiers dressed in kilts (presumably to represent the Scottish 'Gordon Highlanders Regiment' which fought at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815).
The chess set is shown here on a early period continental games box.

Some of the main pieces have written notations (a little difficult to decipher) on their bases. On the English side the bishops have the names of 'Nelson' and 'Wellington'. Also under the base of the King George figure, is his name in French followed by 'sacre blue' which of is a French term of displeasure/profanity! Curiously, under the queen figure, it is not denoted as Charlotte as one would expect but as Marie de Mecklenburg - (Mecklenburg being the German family of Queen Charlotte).

Antique Napoleon Chess Set

Antique Napoleon Chess Set

Antique Napoleon Chess Set

Antique Napoleon Chess Set

Antique Napoleon Chess Set

Antique Napoleon Chess Set Antique Napoleon Chess Set

Antique Napoleon Chess Set Antique Napoleon  Chess Set

Antique Napoleon Chess Set

Antique Napoleon Chess Set

Below is a reference to a related set that sold many years ago at auction.

Antique Napoleon Chess Set

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